
commercial security - retail

We recognize the unique security challenges faced by retail establishments and are dedicated to providing comprehensive security solutions that address these challenges effectively.

Our services include

CCTV Cameras for Retail Stores: We strategically install CCTV cameras in key areas such as sales floors, cash registers, and storage areas to monitor activity, deter theft, and ensure the safety of customers and employees. Our high-resolution CCTV cameras provide detailed footage for enhanced security monitoring.

Integration of EAS Systems: Our security solutions include the integration of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems for theft prevention and the detection of unauthorized item removal. These anti theft systems for retail stores help mitigate losses due to theft and enhance overall loss prevention measures.

Access Control Systems: We implement access control systems for employee areas, stockrooms, and high-value merchandise sections to prevent unauthorized access. By controlling access to sensitive areas, we enhance security and reduce the risk of internal theft or unauthorized entry.

Video Analytics Solutions: Our security solutions include video analytics features such as people counting, queue management, and behavior analysis. These analytics tools help optimize store operations, improve customer service, and enhance security measures by identifying suspicious behavior or unusual patterns.

Retail Alarm Systems: We offer retail alarm systems, including retail door alarms and integrated security alarm systems, to provide additional layers of protection and deter potential intruders or thieves.

Anti-Theft Retail Devices: Our security solutions incorporate anti-theft devices for retail, including retail anti-theft sensors and devices, to safeguard merchandise and prevent theft incidents.

Security Camera Systems for Retail Stores: We specialize in security camera systems for retail stores, providing a range of options such as IP camera systems, HD camera systems, and wireless camera systems to meet your specific security needs.

Retail Security Services: Our retail security services encompass retail store security camera systems, retail CCTV security systems, and retail security alarm systems, ensuring comprehensive coverage and protection for your retail establishment.

How we can help

Contact us today to learn more about our retail store security services and how we can help optimize security measures for your retail establishment. Trust us to deliver professional security solutions that prioritize the safety of your customers, employees, and assets!

Keep an eye on your store in Newcastle today…

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